


英文工作证明 篇一


this is to certify that x x x x x x x x is my staff,in x x x x x x x x department x x x x x x x x duties.so far,year groincome of about x x x x x x x x x x element.

hereby certify that.

this proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's wage income,not as my company 's employees in any situation in the security document.



英文工作证明 篇二


to:-x (某国家大使馆或领事馆):

this is the certification that (姓名),his(her) passport number is ---x(护照号码),is employer of our company.we hereby confirm he(she) is going to -x(国家) on travel.from to (时间).

we further guarantee he(she) will comply with local law and regulation during his(her) in thailand and will also be back on ,we are willing to retain his position until they come back.

this certificate is issued to facilitate his(her) application for a visa for such a visiter.



英文工作证明 篇三

to whom it may concern,

this is to certify that xx-x,male born on july first,1980 has been working in xx-x company as for two years.he started his job as a merchandising assitant with the salary of rmb 2000 per month working from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.he has performed his arduous tasks with a seriousness,a sense of responsibility.he was promoted to be an administrator/supervisior/manager with an appropriate raise.

英文工作证明 篇四

school ( unit ):

comrades, gender, political affiliation, id number:。 in to month day in my company department engaged in work, work actively, collective unity, law-abiding, outstanding performance in all aspects. i units of the proof of authenticity.

hereby certify that

name of institution: (seal )

year, month and day

英文工作证明 篇五

to:xx-x (某国家大使馆或领事馆):

this is the certification that xxx(姓名),his(her) passport number is xx-xxx-xxx-x(护照号码),is employer of our company.we hereby confirm he(she) is going to xx-x(国家) on travel.from xxx to xxx(时间)。

we further guarantee he(she) will comply with local law and regulation during his(her) in thailand and will also be back on ,we are willing to retain his position until they come back.

this certificate is issued to facilitate his(her) application for a visa for such a visiter.



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