2022-10-12 20:29:28
篇一:环境设计的英文简历 篇一
basic information
name: yu sex: male
date of birth: 1987-09-26 nationality: han
height: 180 weight: 60
place of origin: jiangxi current location: guangdong
nationality: chinese marital status:
educational background
highest level of education: college putonghua: good
foreign language: english language: general
graduate institutions: higher post-secondary science jiangxi xinyu graduated date: on xx -6
studies by category: computer professional name: environmental art and design
education / training experience:
on-year to years on the school / professional training institutions in the name / subject name of certificate obtained
september xx -xx in jiujiang city, jiangxi province in june xiushui county junior high school first school in september xx -xx in jiujiang city, jiangxi province in june of excellence xiushui county high school in september xx school year in june, jiangxi -xx provincial university college xinyu
intention with the work experience job
talent type: graduates job type: full-time
i hope the job candidates: design technology
work experience: 0 title: no title
monthly requirements: negotiable hope that the working area: guangdong
can be reported for duty date: guangdong
personal experience
three times in school when the use of vacation time to train factory workers! in the training process to a correct understanding of and active efforts to the completion of their work!
ability to put themselves forward with a detailed personal work takes a positive and serious attitude, a strong sense of responsibility and willingness to work hard is willing to fight; being sincere, careful, optimistic, prudent; good sense of innovation, the spirit of cooperation, and can quickly adapt to working environment, and practical work in learning and constantly improve themselves and do their jobs.
篇二:环境设计的英文简历 篇二
basic cv
name: chen xx nationality: chinese
current location: guangzhou national: han
exit and entry: chongqing is: 161 cm kg
marital status: single age: 24 years old
training certification: integrity badge:
job search intention and work experience
personnel types: ordinary job
position: hospital / medical / nursing care / beauty care categories: make-up (modeling) division administrative / personnel assistant class
work experience: 4 title: no title
job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time personal experience: 2003.9-2003.12 jewelry company in the south china sea sector chief assistant to help manage work and attendance reports
2005.4-2006.12 joy in panyu hotel so the ministry of personnel administrative assistant
educational background
graduate institutions: shanghai mao geping image design art school
highest level of education: secondary school - 2008-02-01
studies by one: the image of the designer of the high studies ii:
by education and training experience: 2000.9-2003.6 have graduated from the school of fine arts in chongqing professional feng
2007.2-2007.6 color bar in guangzhou to learn make-up
2007.9-2008.2 geping mao graduated from the shanghai art school high image design image design professional
language ability
foreign language: english general
mandarin level: the level of fine cantonese: excellent
the ability to work and other expertise
computer: proficiency in computer applications to the basic operation.
related skills:
in school, i study hard, willing to study, do not fear hardship, and often praised to be a teacher; successfully promoted the adoption of each test, that is the basis of make-up classes, modeling classes photo studio, fashion make-up classes, color classes of high fashion, fashion modeling classes; the last successful completion of their studies. during this period and often out of practice, that is, manchurian tiger, the tung wah group of shanghai institute of clothing technology, such as to show; after a year of hard study and master not only let me do the makeup and hair cosmetics modeling techniques, as well as the selection and promotion tool; also mastered the photo studio, graphic advertising, radio, film, color it, such as the operation of the process; to work with customers to easily exchange the natural harmony, the promotion of secondary consumption to "customer is always god"; moment the best mood and smile to greet each customer, every day. if you are able to receive me, i would like to give my greatest strength, and your hands to create brilliant!
detailed personal autobiography
self-evaluation: self-confidence, there is cheerful professionalism; honest, forthright nature; understand the customer first, others smiling.
hobbies: like to dress himself and others, travel, friends, sports, shopping.
《环境设计的英文简历精彩2篇》出自:爱游戏官网登录入口-爱游戏全站app官网入口链接地址:http://m.gjknj.com/special/27153.html 转载请保留,谢谢!
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